#Merged list of line candidates based on MF3D from the COLDz GOODS-N mosaic. See Pavesi et al. 2018 for a description of the method used to measure line properties. #GOODS-N candidates with ID number 0 (GN10), 3 (GN19) and 31 (HDF850.1) were independently confirmed and are thus considered secure detections. #IMPORTANT: Line properties were measured in the N-mosaic (as single-pixel spectra) for unresolved line candidates (spat_templ=-1) and in the S-mosaic (as aperture spectra) for resolved line candidates (spat_templ>-1). See Pavesi et al 2018 for details. #Sequential ID #SNR: line candidate S/N ratio, from the template producing the highest S/N ratio. #(xpix,ypix,chan): line peak center as measured by the highest significance pixel in the MF cubes. #N_templ: number of templates which detect the line candidate with SNR>4. #(spat_templ,freq_templ): spatial (in pixels) and frequency (in channels) sizes (FWHM) of the Gaussian template which produces the highest SNR for the current candidate. spat_templ= -1 stands for highest significance in the "N-mosaic", i.e., pre-smoothing. See Pavesi et al. 2018, for details. #maj_asec,maj_asec_err: 2D-Gaussian Major axis FWHM (and error) in arcsec from fitting the moment 0 map of the line candidate (if resolved, otherwise=0). #min_asec,min_asec_err: 2D-Gaussian Minor axis FWHM (and error) in arcsec from fitting the moment 0 map of the line candidate (if resolved, otherwise=0). #RA,Dec: J2000 coordinates for line candidate center in degrees #freq_GHz,freq_GHz_err: frequency of line center (and error) in GHz, from spectral 1D-Gaussian fitting to the extracted (single-pixel/aperture) spectrum. #peak_flux_mJy, peak_flux_mJy_err: peak line flux (and error) in mJy, from spectral 1D-Gaussian fitting to the extracted (single-pixel/aperture) spectrum. #FWHM_kms, FWHM_kms_err: velocity FWHM (and error) in km/s, from spectral 1D-Gaussian fitting to the extracted (single-pixel/aperture) spectrum. #int_flux_Jykms, int_flux_Jykms_err: integrated line flux (and error) in Jy km/s, from the reported peak flux and line width, assuming a Gaussian line profile. #COLDz.GN.ID (SNR,(xpix,ypix,chan),N_templ,(spat_templ,freq_templ)) maj_asec maj_asec_err min_asec min_asec_err RA Dec freq_GHz freq_GHz_err peak_flux_mJy peak_flux_mJy_err FWHM_kms FWHM_kms_err int_flux_Jykms int_flux_Jykms_err 0 (8.5583276815610247, (1107, 718, 1654), 30, (-1, 16)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.139393342 62.2357925778 36.5775100403 0.00507462735559 0.533204299086 0.0747243074392 605.93019271 98.1285819782 0.343886604075 0.0736484436426 1 (6.3787398, (739, 359, 1881), 30, (2, 8)) 7.35085260022 0.176595232099 4.48341906476 0.041401155013 189.249107588 62.1859721755 37.4845 0.00266418468736 1.93225001697 0.426231370811 197.09220574 50.2139942676 0.405351507406 0.136603438222 2 (6.1397081335444383, (1184, 720, 639), 13, (-1, 8)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.116434553 62.2360508783 32.5182750729 0.00227887701199 0.476750735145 0.0952313985747 214.607813166 49.5114395314 0.108902016941 0.033233135737 3 (6.1353536400579953, (633, 718, 775), 31, (-1, 16)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.280717052 62.2358289559 33.0507486928 0.00578226873612 0.287064827318 0.0533041590718 576.494669185 123.608050831 0.176146615166 0.0499625238128 4 (6.0771537, (809, 1116, 1494), 32, (8, 4)) 4.87273778583 0.116529064643 8.15067485429 0.337533833059 189.228210092 62.2911100026 35.9365 0.00216853702049 1.99389292093 0.40921358771 179.859418749 42.6327384232 0.381710441256 0.119680525261 5 (6.0593472021053438, (736, 862, 1816), 11, (-1, 16)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.250010224 62.2558332708 37.2292934246 0.00541460366383 0.506554711919 0.0859054188669 524.750661846 102.765412873 0.282929594542 0.0732956746301 6 (5.999498532351855, (715, 531, 731), 18, (-1, 8)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.256259658 62.2098607183 32.8784688972 0.00294033209568 0.421724791828 0.0895699749035 257.585482221 63.1825231967 0.115624412043 0.0375156873031 7 (5.966244586128771, (1171, 582, 164), 11, (-1, 8)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.12039025 62.2168878013 30.6148753633 0.00232184389949 0.618571018221 0.100170034036 286.511123323 53.5812314587 0.188638388792 0.0466656526383 8 (5.8916817, (1053, 827, 1944), 27, (8, 8)) 9.0354682143 0.234647470997 6.8855039135 0.126674648613 189.155448121 62.2509428489 37.7365 0.00354877037747 2.90884093333 0.629493494401 265.854530101 66.4398203714 0.823119822767 0.272112018372 9 (5.8759499583026686, (787, 1219, 1597), 18, (-1, 4)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.234776213 62.3054162419 36.3475399297 0.00113583748315 0.705164082083 0.131585478644 102.457009145 22.0776477806 0.0769008039272 0.0219205151042 10 (5.8284187, (1101, 879, 720), 19, (2, 4)) 6.80613468538 0.187804883 3.7521918463 0.0332402357001 189.141104599 62.2581550184 32.8405 0.00154647400627 1.07686118314 0.249424868256 124.371540876 33.2693767753 0.142554115637 0.0504418045875 11 (5.8124514, (831, 769, 1278), 10, (6, 4)) 8.77480499172 0.244689181923 5.78162374255 0.0805482286519 189.221677393 62.2429145681 35.0725 0.00103420870069 3.45484486663 0.710048197457 87.8208252806 20.8470091223 0.322942414268 0.101400469076 12 (5.8067856724781599, (687, 564, 1992), 5, (-1, 16)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.264603566 62.2144431753 37.9304249937 0.00709278510986 0.610399281666 0.142901581828 488.625261034 132.128708854 0.317459956219 0.113546571391 13 (5.8034805710434041, (971, 745, 1696), 22, (-1, 12)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.179933686 62.2395677131 36.7430618447 0.00542331606055 0.483434693167 0.112682393224 387.370646588 104.28017114 0.199325813434 0.070977408585 14 (5.6524477, (749, 796, 1043), 30, (6, 16)) 9.37477179307 0.485506488677 5.66688974217 0.127816571546 189.246131592 62.2466666664 34.1325 0.00567454907917 1.16153486172 0.241251023935 489.7120054 117.456139133 0.605441271862 0.192093966325 15 (5.6400434687554695, (992, 916, 846), 23, (-1, 16)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.173614853 62.2633145893 33.34046439 0.00885226769667 0.261831067924 0.0667170102689 637.76032028 187.645783363 0.177736938375 0.069179833707 16 (5.6302310248665766, (884, 496, 712), 11, (-1, 4)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.205921834 62.2049942617 32.8068290128 0.00179841775002 0.412539854108 0.0978072469203 141.45322573 38.7291969632 0.062112325413 0.0224957528688 17 (5.6273612684342345, (719, 589, 810), 27, (-1, 4)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.255070542 62.217916359 33.1999472769 0.00216601648981 0.55228542243 0.153891322054 143.228437908 46.093165092 0.0841960773245 0.0358410499663 18 (5.6153931005715014, (860, 930, 1744), 13, (-1, 8)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.213004623 62.2652739055 36.9383081115 0.00300601871834 0.532684663856 0.0987075272103 268.748587313 57.4945723353 0.152375592118 0.0431265355985 19 (5.6136556, (618, 747, 1514), 24, (4, 4)) 4.62201105172 0.108487432434 5.60421502097 0.176714898245 189.285194579 62.2398555385 36.0165 0.00198660233322 1.63684126336 0.465443973856 118.658133888 38.9692055848 0.206729808058 0.089806125348 20 (5.602501318888562, (668, 1149, 191), 26, (-1, 8)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.270330383 62.2956922986 30.726996387 0.0027896336382 0.684062526419 0.135230108383 280.982604898 64.1415175604 0.204585220786 0.061779953717 21 (5.5992416680064077, (807, 399, 1326), 27, (-1, 12)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.228863621 62.1915267345 35.2647046991 0.00434966813547 0.466926214694 0.0902852028761 390.254709836 87.1421036524 0.193952522846 0.0572896620715 22 (5.5945631135501452, (734, 457, 868), 24, (-1, 4)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.250598031 62.1995832481 33.4409950686 0.00254572166851 0.494262102173 0.16221645775 141.887134857 53.7828595407 0.07464476476 0.0374264823335 23 (5.5897271140895572, (782, 619, 1991), 24, (-1, 4)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.236296833 62.2220830057 37.9252149394 0.0020603815462 0.945954149251 0.202717650472 155.133521946 38.3823681812 0.156197745615 0.0511266862251 24 (5.5629539, (920, 498, 301), 23, (0, 16)) 6.05880813966 0.0600897025668 4.10302660511 0.019411392695 189.195198879 62.2052685433 31.1645 0.00793671999337 0.373615521757 0.104141446788 559.023629337 179.926110429 0.222307491797 0.0946539800369 25 (5.5535618453090239, (689, 98, 1409), 2, (-1, 4)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.263968818 62.149720998 35.5975947368 0.00173290642615 0.889411495015 0.211183431785 125.416554726 34.3927278108 0.118728950001 0.0430676189578 26 (5.5407942806846311, (732, 1003, 1692), 30, (-1, 16)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.251207113 62.2754165651 36.7329617215 0.00636992671916 0.325111007127 0.0708051252954 487.206822172 122.51736483 0.168594754043 0.0560860851301 27 (5.5379783645476222, (944, 1181, 1853), 2, (-1, 4)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.187868347 62.3001268388 37.3728198679 0.000889432173539 1.05568057961 0.179064212085 85.797385239 16.8006911887 0.0964063426706 0.0249756840272 28 (5.5146456, (907, 575, 582), 26, (0, 8)) 5.74699294131 0.11948381386 3.82673223084 0.0371545460471 189.199054359 62.2159643444 32.2885 0.00262869440898 0.495042741929 0.115268323813 213.926752632 57.518082394 0.112721515457 0.0400925802262 29 (5.5100846102672012, (647, 1009, 725), 13, (-1, 4)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.276584145 62.2762466053 32.8607565673 0.00202762227435 0.436060696511 0.0853852763645 192.781666926 43.5934923169 0.0894770583996 0.0267648617264 30 (5.5081391, (870, 279, 334), 11, (0, 4)) 7.10185293689 0.172813996639 4.03480302769 0.034134998029 189.210127318 62.1748565014 31.2965 0.00190394689712 1.45085392926 0.354122683721 152.528196099 42.9804765014 0.235544434448 0.087810517781 31 (5.3276361634956357, (847, 513, 1830), 27, (-1, 16)) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 189.216939913 62.2073581033 37.2834657843 0.00744443155443 0.285982329422 0.0716388157435 487.594426934 141.07001403 0.148421547411 0.0568002456994